Welcome to Wilson Surgicenter – the only practice in Lubbock that is 100% focused on cataract surgery. Wilson Surgicenter is the practice of Patrick Reeves, MD and Justin Anderson, MD. We look forward to providing a friendly and caring environment for you and your family.
Our Doctors
Patrick D. Reeves, MD

Patrick Reeves, MD is an ophthalmologist who specializes in cataract surgery. He is board certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology since 2000. He has practiced in Lubbock Since 1998 and has performed overten thousand successful cataract surgeries. Read More…
Justin E. Anderson, MD

Justin Anderson, MD is an ophthalmologist who specializes in cataract surgery. He is board certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology since 2010. Dr. Anderson joined Dr. Reeves at Wilson Surgicenter in 2008, and has performed thousands of successful cataract surgeries. Read More…
About Us
At Wilson Surgicenter, our team of friendly professionals is dedicated to ensuring you have the best experience possible.
Wilson Surgicenter
4315 28th Street
Lubbock, Texas 79410
Dr. Reeves Clinic- (Upper Level) South Entrance
Dr. Anderson Clinic- (Lower Level) East Entrance